White Army
of our Lady

Ecclesial Movement

What is Armata Bianca

L’ The White Army has as its primary purpose the spiritual care of children with their Consecration to the Father in Mary; with their preparation for Communion for the first use of reason; with the formation of Prayer Nests.
The purpose of this website is to inform on what the White Army is, on the spirit that animates it, on its ecclesiality and on what it has accomplished and proposes to realize.


Why this name?

«Father Eusebio, get the weapon from my pocket». Father Eusebio didn’t understand and Padre Pio pointed to the pocket of his habit where he kept his rosary. His closest spiritual sons knew well what the rosary meant to Padre Pio. Cleonice Morcaldi writes: «the night before he died he was at his usual place, on the porch, with the weapon in his hand». This is where the name “Army” comes from.


Who can join the Armata Bianca

All children in age and all those who are willing to become “little in spirit” by consecrating themselves to the Father, like Mary, in an unconditional «yes» to His Will.

«Unless you are converted and become as little children,
you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven». Mt 18,3