Tutte le notizie dell’Armata Bianca
Armata Bianca Cerca Armata Bianca Movimento Ecclesiale Sede:Casella postale 135 – 67100 L’Aquila
All children in age and all those who are willing to become “little in spirit” («Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven» Mt 18,3) by consecrating themselves to the Father, like Mary, in an unconditional «yes» to His Will.
In more than 30 years of operation the Armata Bianca has addressed the invitation of Our Lady of Fatima to approximately one and a half million children. It operates in Italy, France, Germany, England, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Holland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus, Malta, Ukraine, USA, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Bolivia, Rwanda, Burundi, Zaire, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia, Uganda, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Macao…..
We invite those who spiritually hear the echo of our initiatives to join us in a single offering for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Armata Bianca – Casella postale 135 – 67100 L’Aquila
Armata Bianca Cerca Armata Bianca Movimento Ecclesiale Sede:Casella postale 135 – 67100 L’Aquila
Casella postale 135 – 67100 L’Aquila