What is Armata Bianca (White Army)

The Armata Bianca is an ecclesiastic Association, in accordance with can. 215 of the Code of Canon Law and with the Pastoral Report of the Episcopal Commission of the Apostolate of Laity CEI n. 5 (see Enchiridion CEI EDB vol. III n. 591).   It was founded in 1973 by the Capuchin Father Andrea D’Ascanio by the will of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina of the Capuchin Friar Minors of St. Francis of Assisi and of the Servant of God Padre Pio Delle Piane, of the Minim Friars of St. Francis of Paola, his spiritual fathers.

Armata Bianca’s main goal is the spiritual care of children with their Consecration to the Father through Mary; with their preparation for First Communion when they have reached the age of reason; and with the formation of Nests of prayer. It then developed on the ecclesial guidelines of His Holiness John Paul II with the battle for the defence of Life and the realization of the burial of babies victims of abortion for the first time in Aquila and then in the world; with the analysis of the Dives in Misericordia in order to make known the tenderness of God the Father; with missionary evangelization, in the spirit of Montfort, especially in Eastern Europe and in the Americas; with the valorisation of suffering (“Assistance to Suffering Humanity”); with the assistance of the most abandoned children; with the construction and restoration of churches and with other apostolic initiatives. The aim of this site is to provide information about Armata Bianca, the spirit that inspires it, its ecclesiality and what it has accomplished and intends to accomplish.

Armata Bianca

Ecclesial Movement

PO Box 135 – 67100 L’Aquila

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