Tangible experiences

The Armata Bianca has frequently experienced the power of grace which radiates from the children’s “yes” and here are a few examples:

August 30, 190
John Paul II is visiting Aquila. For months there has been a great political tension in Poland between the communist government and the Solidarnosc labour union. The Russian military tanks are at the borders and there is talk of a third World War. The Pope, before coming to Aquila, asks for prayers for his Homeland. The Armata Bianca gathers 4,000 children in the stadium and they consecrate themselves to God the Father through Mary and recite the 15 mysteries of the Rosary in order to give the Pope the gift of peace in Poland. While the children are praying, in that very hour, an agreement is reach in Poland between Lech Walesa, the leader of the union, and Wejciech Jaruzelski, the head of Government, as the newspapers report.

May 13, 1981
Approximately 1,000 elementary school children gather together in the Basilica del Buon Consiglio in Capodimonte Naples to consecrate themselves to the Father through Mary by offering their lives for peace in the world and for the Pope. On the same day John Paul II is shot in St. Peter’s Square but, miraculously, doesn’t die. He himself will say: “A motherly hand guided the bullet’s path enabling the dying Pope to halt at the threshold of death”.

June 2, 1981
At the invitation of the Archbishop of Chieti, Msgr. Vincenzo Fagiolo, the Armata Bianca gathers 800 children for a Holy Mass in the Cathedral. The children recite the Rosary and consecrate themselves to God so that the Holy Father may return to the Vatican as soon as possible. On the afternoon of the same day, against the doctors’ advice, John Paul II returns to the Vatican for Pentecost.

1994 The war between Peru and Ecuador
At the invitation of Card. Bernardino Echeverria, in Quito the Armata Bianca consecrates 25,000 children to the Father in Heaven for peace between Peru and Ecuador. On the last day of the mission the hostilities cease. The final peace treaty is signed on May 13, 1999 (anniversary of the first apparition of Fatima) and the casualties are very limited despite both Countries’ vast supply of weapons.

May 1999

The Kosovo war doesn’t show signs of an end. The Armata Bianca of Vasto (CH) organizes an encounter with all the elementary schools in the city: from May 10 to 13 all pre-school and elementary school children are consecrated to the Father and recite the rosary for peace in Croatia. A few days later, on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the hostilities cease in Croatia.


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