What is the Armata Bianca
What is Armata Bianca
Why this name (Armata Bianca - White Army)
Spirituality of the Armata Bianca
Who can join the Armata Bianca
Relations with Ecclesiastic Authorities
What is “Consecration”
Tangible Experiences
How to organize the encounters with children in schools
Spiritual preparation for consecration
How to speak to children about consecration
Let the children speak
The role of children in the Church
Children's Prayer Nests
Padre Pio of Pietralcina and the Children’s Prayer Nests
Padre Pio Dellepiane and the Armata Bianca
What are the Children’s Prayer Nests
The Prayer Nest in families
The Prayer Nest in the Church
The Prayer Nest in schools
What the children think
First Communion
"Feed my lambs…"
The Decree “Quam Singulari” by St. Pius X
Theological comments on the Decree "Quam Singulari"
The subsequent Popes have always confirmed what was written in the Decree by St. Pius X
Cardinal Dario Castrillón Hoyos to all the priests of the world concerning Communion at the age of reason (2005)
The opinion of Cardinals and Bishops
What does the new Code of Canon Law (1983) say about First Communion?
What children must know in order to receive first Communion
From Fatima the confirmation from Heaven regarding Communion at the age of reason
God the Father
So that the Father may be known, honoured and loved by all men
“I desire an image which may be a tangible sign of My Presence…”
Liturgical feast in honour of God the Father
Vigils in honour of God the Father
The Rosary of the Father
God is Life
The Armata Bianca’s initiative for babies killed by abortion: burials
The Monument dedicated to Mary the Mother of Unborn Babies
“Armata Bianca, we will destroy you!”
The burial of unborn babies throughout the world
What Italian law says about the matter
How to carry out burials
Prayer to unborn babies to obtain a grace
Peregrinatio Mariae
Fatima and Russia
The miracles of Our Lady of Fatima along the roads of the East: Peregrinatio Mariae of the Armata Bianca
Witnesses of faith
The church dedicated to God the Father in Zaporoze
Radio Maria East
Implantatio of the Capuchin Order in Romania
Assistance to Suffering Humanity
The value of suffering
Assistance to suffering humanity
«So that so much suffering won’t go to waste» (Padre Pio)
The children whom the Father cherishes
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